The safe use of Spikes, requires multiple solutions. Your first goal should be a proper training program for your officers. The second goal, is a system which is tough and will not come apart and require officers to enter the roadway to retrieve the Spike system.
Spike Belt has built in solutions for the service issues. Spike-Belt is made from a tough materials, designed to take many hits and not fall apart.
Spike belt’s foam core and cardboard holds spikes in place and the loop winder and deployment handles are much easier to handle under stress.
Training Advantage: A rebuild kit includes a replacement sleeve and Strips. Rather than trash, the strips and sleeves, they are repurposed by pulling the spikes out to make trainer units. Trainer units means officers can practice deployments, and become skilled with the system and its operation. Other brands require you purchase trainers, Training with your issued system, causes damage to the sleeves and strips. Trainer units are pricey and many departments do not purchase multiple trainers.
Covert, Concealment, Cover
Our goal is to not provoke a reaction from the driver of the Target vehicle. The most covert deployment style for a multi-sided system is to pull, or drag the system, towards you. We call this, pre-deployment of the system. Spike systems should always be used with hard cover and concealment. Spike Belt goes an extra step by providing camo versions of our product.
The Spike-belt uses a black sleeve and we also offer a Black and gray sleeve, designed to break up its appearance on a highway. In our training we promote concealment and cover to be more effective and prevent the driver from trying to dodge the strip.
Superior Winder, Cord-Reel and Deployment Sleeve
A good portion of the incidents with multi-sided systems have been due to a Cord-Reel and or a sleeve that was defective. In such cases officers entered the roadway to recover spikes and were fatally struck.
Spike-belt uses heavy duty sleeves, with webbing re-enforcement, at critical points. Spike-belt also uses heavy duty cord, and a loop winder, that does not need to be elevated to function.
Winders are very mis-understood, Spike Strips are their safest, when the cord lays on the ground and is not handled by the officer. A cord elevated subject to getting snagged by a car and dragged onto the roadway. In addition a cord elevated is easy to spot by the driver of the target vehicle.
Spike Devil’s loop winder is a yo yo style winder, no doubt the fastest, safest, winder on the market. The beveled edge allows the cord to freely leave the winder, no matter how fast the officer moves. The winder can be tossed onto the ground and the winder will still despense cord.
Cord-Reel Winder: Very often specifications, require a cordreel system with a crank. We were asked by departments to make a Cord-Reel that was indestructible and serviceable. We came out with the toughest one on the market and with the big mouth service port so you can service the cord.
We recomend the loop winder, because a cordreel is often elevated and snagging a car is the leading cause to spike incidents.