Please take this test to document your knowledge of the safe use of the Auto Spike system by Spike Devil. This test is at no cost, but requires your name, your department name, and a working email. This information will not give you the results. If you pass the test, we will send a certificate to your email. If you do not pass we will send you a notice. Please use your certificate to share with your department.


#1                 HOME

1A. What is the purpose behind Spike Belt’s new technologies, over other self righting type spike systems?

A. Spike-Belt is more effective and safer for your officers.

B. None, The Spike Belt is a normal

1B. Don Kilgrow (retired Utah Highway Patrol) has been credited as being the Co-inventor of what type spike system?

A. Accordion type Spike system

B. First system with a winder and cord attached.

C. No special system, just a board with some nails in it.

1C. Kilgrows spike system had stopped how many pursuits by 1997?

A. Very few pursuits, was not popular and to heavy and bulky to use.

B. 15k pursuits before 1997

C. A few pursuits in the Utah and Texas area.

D. It was announced that his system had stopped 15K pursuits with a perfect safety record.

1D. Trooper Ken Grieves (Retired Indiana State Police) patented a new Tire Deflation Device, which was multi-sided, what was its main feature? 

A. Easy to deploy.

B. easy to maintain.

C. you could deploy the System from the window of your patrol car.

1E. What are true about Spike Strips track record?

A. With the new design came new tactics, where the devices were deployed without a cord. Very soon the safety of tire deflation devices were questioned and changes were necessary after serious incidents.

B. Spike systems are safe if used with concealment and protective cover.

C. Spikes are dangerous to go around at high speeds, and should be heavily concealed and removed from traffic, promptly.

D. Spikes are totally safe, use your car to guide the perp over the spikes.

1F. Spike-Belt is a new product design, based on what basic improvements

A. Spike Belt is a fusion of Trooper Kilgrows, rock and tilt design, Kilgrows, system concept adapted to a simpler Multi-sided product..

B. Spike Belt has created a fusion of the best features, to address safety concerns and also produce an easy to deploy product.

C. Spike Belt is just another throw away spike system that provides no extra features except price.

1G. Does Spike Devil provide assistance in research, planning and Training?

A. Yes, we provide two web sites for training on our products,

B. Each of our websites has a section labeled “Research and Planning”.

C. No, its your job to figure it out.

1H. The selection of Spikes can be confusing, does Spike Devil provide support to help understand spikes and help make a better educated choice and Spike experiance?

A. Yes, we explain the differance and features of products, the system concept, with our durable winders, and deployment sleeve, that help make it a safer product to use. We also describe the questioned tactics, which Instructors should be very careful to look for and train around.

1I. Does Spike Devil provide a training program for customers?

A. Training for our Spike Belt, can be found on this site with the tab labeled “Training overview” It has a classroom portion with two hands on options for training. Training is supported with two manuals, and our YouTube channel.

B. Spike-Belt products are designed by a 30 year veteran of the spike Industry, mentored by the icons of the industry. We also invite you to look at our Auto-Spike tire Deflation system.

#2                     WELCOME

2A. Where can you acess the training programs for the Spike Devil products?

A. SPIKE-DEVIL products have separated thier product line on different websites to better help you navigate.

B. Spike Belt product training and reserch and planning is on www.spikebelt.net

C. Spike Devil’s  Auto Spike, Little devil, and Tact Strip are on www.autospike.net


Does Spike Devil provide pursuit prevention products?

A. Spike Devil has pursuit prevention products called the Little Devil and Tact Strip

#3                    SPIKE BELT DESCRIPTION

3A. What type of Spike system is the Spike Belt that makes it different from the Auto Spike system?

A. Spike-Belt is a double sided system, which offers easy goof proof deployment.

B. Spike

3B. What are the major components of the Spike belt system?

A. All Spike-Belt Systems include a deployment sleeve with several spikes strips, and a winder.

3C. What features are part of the Spike Belt system?

A. A strap wraps around the folded system to hold system together. A pocket is to store the winder, both these features, holds system together in an organized fashion.

B. Handles allow the officer to grab the system and quickly deploy it, in an extended fashion across the roadway.

C. The Spike-Belt is attached to a winder with a generous amount of cord. The winder allows the officer to adjust and recover the Spike-Belt from a remote location.

3D. Whats inside the Spike Belt system?

A. Spike-Belt’s Strip, includes a foam core inside a carton, designed to fall on one of two flat sides. Spike-Belt´s Strips present Spikes Point up from eather side.

B. Each Strip is loaded with two rows of double sided hollow Spike´s. The Spike provides a controlled deflation.


Multi-sided systems depend on the road surface to provide compression on the spike between the ground and the tire.

A. The compression tilts the strip, and pushes the spike through the tire. The Strip collapses and is damaged.

B. Spike-Belt’s new Tilt technology is Patent Pending. Notice the spikes outside the tire, and how they penetrate straight into the tire.

C. Tilt technology is now available in a multi-sided system.

D. Spike Belt does not work on rough, bad, or un-improved road surfaces, like gravel and dirt; our Spike-Devil is an all-terrain type

10A How do you handle the Winder and the Spike Belt, in order to deploy.

A. Regardless of the winder you use, it should be held by your non dominant hand to facilitate proper use.

B. The Spike Belt includes 2 or 3 handles for deployment, by simply swinging the system into traffic.

10B. How does the Loop winder work?

A. The loop winder has a beveled side and allows rope to be released when it is twisted sideways, towards the intended deployment area.

B. You can also point the beveled side down and release cord before deployment. Control the release with your thumb on by twisting back.

C. You can also point the beveled side down and release cord before deployment. Control the release with your thumb on by twisting back.

D. When the loop is twisted back, it catches the cord and allows you to pull the system in place or retrieve the system from traffic.

10C. Cord Reel models require you open the crank to allow the cord to release.

A. The Spike-Belt deploys and is righted as it expands and opens up in the roadway.

10D. What is the best stance for deployment?

A. With the Strip in your hand, posture your body in a low stance, by spreading your legs by stepping one leg back and practice with a swinging motion, and letting go.


A. Spike-Belt device can be pulled open across the lanes of traffic by use of the winder

B. Place or throw the Spike-Belt device on the other side of the road.

How Spike Belt

When positioned behind cover, the Cord-Reel crank should be in the locked position.

A. Traffic can pass over the rope. Loop Winder twisted back Like show.

B. When traffic is clear, and before the suspect vehicle arrives, pull the unit across the roadway into the path of the target. After the spike unit is run over, remove it from traffic with one quick, hard pull on the spool.


The old sleeve can serves for a training sleeve.

A. Old Strips can be used as trainers if Spikes are pulled.

B. To depose of the Strips, read on the label for recycling instructions

#10                  HOW SPIKE BELT DEPLOYS

How Spike Belt


The stance places your body in an orientation where it can see three important areas.

A. Facing traffic, target and pursuit vehicles.

B. The deployment area to one side and

C. The path to cover to the other side. When used to deploy it serves as a way of counting your steps to accurately position the system in the traffic lanes. (Very useful at night) When used to seek cover it prevents the officer from backing up and tripping over something.

#11                 PRODUCT SERVICE

11A. After the Spike Belt system has been used, can it be brought back into service?

 A. Should be carefully inspected and a new Spike Belt Re-built.

B. The sleeve must be opened and inspected for damaged and good sections.


A. When inspecting the Spike-Belt, open the deployment sleeve by disconnecting the winder.


a.When the system is hit one or more sections might need to be replaced. In this case the spikes push through Strip, and the deployment sleeve and damages both.

b.Take out the damaged strip(s) and set them aside. Save the good Strips to assemble into a new deployment sleeve to build your new Spike Belt.


A.Replace the good strips into a new sleeve. Re-connect the winder to the sleeve.

B. Wind up the Cord-reel and inspect the reel via the mouth to assure it is properly wound up and has no debris.

C. The old sleeve one can serves for a training sleeve. Old Strips can be used as trainers if Spikes are pulled.

D. To depose of the strips, read on the label for recycling instructions.

E. Deploy the unit to test that the system is properly assembled. With the Spike-Strip expanded, and retrieved it should test that the spike strips are in place and the sleeve fastened to the cord reel.

#12                  WARRANTY

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